fake-counterfeit products
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The primary objective of a robust Schedule A defense is to defend an online retailer from claims of selling counterfeit and trademark-infringing products. Doing so is necessary to lift asset restraints and protect the retailer’s stream of income. While being hit with these allegations can be stressful, you do have the right to defend yourself. Taking quick action to guard your business and livelihood requires retaining an experienced Schedule A defense attorney. That’s where the team at The Keleher Appellate Law Group comes in.

What To Expect in a Schedule A Lawsuit

The online marketplace is rife with counterfeits, knockoffs, and products that otherwise infringe upon trademarks. Scammers and con artists exploit eBay, Amazon, and other online platforms to sell these items at a discount, effectively cheating major brands of the profits to which they are entitled. To fight this, the owners of these trademarks are permitted to file what are known as Schedule A lawsuits.

“Schedule A” derives its name from the schedule that is attached to the legal complaint. This document names numerous allegedly infringing parties, thereby allowing trademark owners to sue multiple defendants at once. The complaint is used to obtain a restraining order against the offending party that prevents them from conducting further business. Hundreds of thousands of disreputable businesses and individuals can be named, making Schedule A an extremely efficient tool in trademark litigation and enforcement.

Fighting Back Against False Allegations

Despite the usefulness of Schedule A lawsuits in preventing bad online actors from selling counterfeits, many honest companies are inevitably caught up in this sweeping legal action. If you are one of these businesses, it is vital that you take immediate steps to restore your reputation and your ability to do business. 

Protect Your Rights and Defend Your Business Now

Due to the serious legal consequences of a Schedule A lawsuit, it is important that you not delay if you have been notified that a legal action has been commenced against you. These lawsuits are increasingly being filed in the Northern District of Illinois to disrupt any business that appears to pose even the slightest risk of trademark infringement, regardless of how flimsy the legal basis is for trademark owners’ arguments.

Reach out to The Keleher Appellate Law Group. We can review the unique circumstances of your case, advise you accordingly, and develop a customized strategy to protect your rights. Give us a call today.

About the Author
Christopher Keleher clerked for the Hon. William J. Bauer of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.  This unique opportunity provided Mr. Keleher with an invaluable understanding of the inner workings of an appellate court.  He saw what persuades judges and what does not, and utilizes this knowledge every time he writes an appellate brief. The Keleher Appellate Law Group handles all phases of appellate litigation in federal and state courts across the country. Read more here.